Born in Torreón, Coahuila México. He was immersed into the dental world thanks to his family, who have been running a dental laboratory for 40 years now. At age 17, He decided to study in Japan mainly influenced by the great impact Shigeo Kataoka and Yoshimi Nishimura’s “Nature’s Morphology” caused on me. Later on, He had the privilege to call them my professors as well as many other great Japanese technicians. These people, along with Oriol de la Mata and Alek Aronin, are people He looks up to and that have had a profound significance in his work and in his life. Currently, he is working closely with ISMA Dental Clinic to recreate natural teeth through dental technique in order to give back confidence and happiness to his patients.
Experience and education:
2012- 2015 Meirin College, Niigata Japan:
Dental Technology studies.
2015-2016 Osaka Ceramic Training Center. Japan:
One year course specialization on Morphology and Ceramics with renowned technicians Shigeo Kataoka, Daiyu Wakita, Aoki and Shoji.
2016 Tanio Dental Clinic. Japan:
Internship for professional practice where I had the opportunity to learn from Dr. Tanio.
2016 ISMA Dental Lab. Mexico:
Chief of the Dental Ceramics department.
2018-2019 Specialized lecture and instruction on dental morphology and internal stains technique within Mexico, several Latin American countries, and Japan.
2019 Isma Dental Clinic. Mexico:
Member of the board for Clinic foundation alongside Dr. Maleny Barajas.
Collaborative work with Dr. Maleny Barajas.
Founding member of ISMA Dental Group.
President of ISMA Dental Group.
Awards and special recognitions:
2014 Carving Contest, LABOWADA. Japan:
FIRST PLACE AWARD on G1 National Anatomy Teeth
2016 Osaka Ceramic Training Center. Japan:
Special recognition granted by Professor Wakita for outstanding achievements.