Daniele Rondoni
Born in Savona in 1961, he lives and works in his hometown where he has been the manager and director of his own laboratory since 1982.
He got his Dental Technician Degree at “P. Gaslini” Professional Institute in Genoa in 1979 and still operates in the field of professional training as a teacher and counsellor for the “Scuola Odontotecnica Italiana” (Italian School for Dental Technicians).
His career features numerous international professional experiences in Switzerland, Germany and Japan. Visiting professor in Restorative Dentistry, University of Chieti-Pescara.
Member of teaching staff for Master in “Restorative Endodontic and Dentistry”, University of Sienna; Particularly devoted to the study of morphology and dental aesthetics, he actively collaborates to the development of materials used for aesthetic dental restoration.
He authored the text “Tecnica della Multistratificazione in ceramica” (Ceramic Multi-layering Technique) and a lab manual about the use of composite materials, aimed at establishing working protocols for both indirect technique and composite pressing on metal structures and implants and thus introducing his own method, named “Sistema di stratificazione a durezza inversa” (Inverted Hardness Layering System).
He also authored numerous technical articles about aesthetic restoration published both in Italy and abroad. Some of his cases have been published in the volume “Il restauro anteriore conservativo dei denti anteriori” (Conservative Restoration of Anterior Teeth) by Vanini, Mangani, Klimovscaja
Other cases he treated have been presented by M.D. Walter Devoto in “Odontoiatria Restaurativa. Procedure di trattamento e prospettive future” (Restorative Dentistry. Treatment Procedures and Future Perspectives). Contributed to “LAYERS, an atlas of composite resin stratification” by Manauta – Salat, Quintessence Publishing.
EAED Active Member
IAED Active Member
SICED Associate and Speaker