Brian Lindke
Brian Lindke entered the Dental Lab industry in 1983 and became a Certified Technician in Ceramics in 1990. Brian has worked in a variety of positions in the dental laboratory field, including owning a specialty ceramics laboratory, working as an in-house technician, sales and marketing, and laboratory management. He has also spent extensive time chair-side with shade selection, preparation design, and final seating of restorations.
Most of his time Brian has spent at the bench and in the operatory has been devoted to perfecting his techniques on all-ceramic restorations. He was previously a hands-on educator with lvoclar-Empress® and contributed numerous advanced techniques. Brian was the technical director for Microstar Corporation from 1999 until 2003. He introduced Authentic pressable ceramics to the Microstar Corporation from 1999 until 2003. He introduced Authentic pressable ceramics to the North American market by teaching hands-on courses nationwide. Brian is also the original developer of the “Press-To-Metal technique.” He devoted two years of effort to perfect this technique.
Brian currently is the owner of a specialty crown and bridge laboratory in Buford, Georgia, specializing in aesthetic reconstructive dentistry. His main focus is on all-ceramic restorative materials. Brian continues to work with many manufacturers in the evaluation and evolution of new materials and techniques.
Brian continues to travel wordwide in an effort to further develop his technical skills by working with many masters in his field. He has presented lectures and hands-on training both nationally, and internationally. Brian is in high demand as a clinician, and maintains a busy teaching schedule.